(↓ English Version)(デルフィーネのインタビュー)
Toward the “Fly! ANA Windsurfing World Cup YOKOSUKA Japan”
──── Windsurfing Magazine Japan

Q1 Where do you think is the strong point as your slalom racer.
Then, are there any weak points recognized by yourself?
A1 I think I am enough polyvalent and I am able to win a race in any condition : light, medium or strong wind and all type of spot : flat, wavy, choppy.
My weakness point is probably than I have a lot of stress in competition and even if I am working on this point it’s always something who can make me loose a competition.
Q2 You will have many slalom rivals. Who is the one that is likely to be the most competitive among them.(Why do you think so?)
A2 Probably Sarah Quitah Offringa because she is very talentuous !
Each time she is trying something she is good : freestyle, slalom, wave.
Even if she is really cool out of competition, I know when she is on a starting line she wants win ! She has a spirit of competition but if she doesn’t win, Sarah comes always congratulate the winner. This is the type of spirit I appreciate a lot.
Q3 You are the Slalom World Champion of 2013 and 2014, everyone admits you as a fast racer. But you yielded the throne in 2015 and 2016. What do you think about the reason?
A3 In 2015, I did a lot of mistake on the first event in Korea and I think I had a lot of pressure for others events which don’t make me sailing to my best level.
In 2016, only 2 events and 3 races for all the year ! I miss of luck in Korea with some seaweed… Honestly I am really frustrated about this year because for me it’s like if we didn’t have competition.
Q4 What do you think is necessary to become a champion this year?
Please let me hear your race plan for next season.
A4 Like each year : you have to be fast, polyvalent, good jibe, the mental.
There is a lot things to take in account ! All the things you can control (physical preparation, tuning your equipment, a lot of training)have to be perfect because sometimes during the race you have to do with external things (wind, rivals …). My race plan for next season is PWA World Tour, The French Championship and I would like to improve my foil sailing.
Q5 In May this year, the World Cup will be held in Japan.
Can you please comment at the end for Japanese fans.
A5 I am really happy about this new event on the PWA calendar ! I am never come to Japan so I am really excited to go there to discover this new place !
I am sure it’s an amazing country !
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